IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization
25-29 June 2018 – Montreal, Canada

Call for Tutorial Proposals

Important Dates
  • Tutorial submission deadline:          January 15, 2018
  • Acceptance notification:                     January 29, 2018

The IEEE NetSoft 2018 conference seeks half-day or full-day tutorial proposals, which should provide clear and focused teaching material covering hot and emerging topics within the scope of SDN/NFV, softwarization of Networks, Clouds and Internet of Things.

The tutorial proposal should describe concisely the content, importance and timeliness of the tutorial. It should contain the following sections:

  1. Title of the tutorial;
  2. Outline of the tutorial; it should be indicated if there are plans to provide case studies and practical examples, hands-on activities and how much time will be devoted to this;
  3. Tutorial speaker(s) and, where appropriate, the topics they will cover in the tutorial;
  4. Brief CVs for each tutorial speaker (no more than 300 words per person);
  5. Importance and timeliness of the tutorial;
  6. Previous lecture and tutorial experience of the tutorial speaker(s).

Submitted tutorial proposals should not exceed FOUR pages and should be sent to the co-chairs in one all-in-one PDF file. The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2018.

Submission of proposals should be made to the tutorial co-chairs of NetSoft 2018.

Tutorial Co-Chairs

Technical Co-Sponsors

Our sponsors

  • Concordia University logo


  • Bronze

  • Mitacs logo
