IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization
25-29 June 2018 – Montreal, Canada

Visitor’s information

Traveller’s Checks

Will shops in Montreal accept traveller’s checks?
Traveller’s checks are accepted. The rate of exchange is calculated on the daily rate of exchange shown on the newspapers.

ATMs and Debit Cards

Can I use my Credit Card/Debit Card in Montreal?
Yes. Most reputable establishments will accept major credit cards. Those establishments accepting credit cards will post the logos in their front windows.

Are there ATMs in Montreal? Are the ATMs multilingual?

Yes. There are many ATMs (Automatic Teller Machine) in Montreal. Most of the machines prompt the user for the preferred language at the beginning of the transaction (English or French are typical choices). You will easily find an ATM which you can operate without having to know English. Using a credit or debit card or your local bank’s ATM card is very easy. First, locate the corresponding symbol (VISA, electronic cash, etc.) on the ATM and on your card to ensure the card is usable on that particular unit. If you are unsure about the compatibility or the banking systems, contact your credit card company or local bank. Note that on most ATMs, the keys/digits are not inscribed with the corresponding letters (e.g. 2 and A,B,C). In case you have memorized your PIN as a word, you should make sure that you know the numbers as well.

Banking Hours

Banks in Montreal are open Monday through Friday (mainly from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) and closed all day on Saturday and Sunday and on national holidays. Traveller’s checks can be exchanged for European currency at most hotels and shops and at the foreign exchange offices in main railway stations and at the airports.


The monetary currency is the Canadian dollar which is divided as follows: bills of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 dollars; coins of 1, 2 dollars and of 1, 5, 10, 25 cents. To find the current exchange rate, please visit The Universal Currency Converter.

Once in Canada, how do I convert my money in Canadian dollars?

You can obtain Canadian dollars through any bank, ATM machines, or exchange office at the airport, and the main railway station in Montreal. It is recommended to have a small amount of cash on hand upon arrival for immediate expenses, i.e. taxis, public transportation.

Vaccination Certificate

No vaccinations are required to enter Canada.

Healthcare and Medical Assistance

People requiring urgent medical care should go to the nearest hospital emergency room (First aid assistance is also offered at the airport and main train station). Those with serious illnesses or allergies should always carry a special note from their physicians certifying in detail the treatments in progress or that may be necessary. Pharmacies are generally open from 8 AM to 8 PM daily, Monday to Saturday. Night-time service is provided on a shift basis. Business hours and night shifts are displayed outside of each pharmacy or medical center (they are also published in local papers). Before departure, it is advisable to procure a document certifying coverage by the national health-care service.

Tipping Advice

Tips are customary in Montreal, but not essential. The tradition of the tip remains impervious to change, even though cafe or restaurant prices include both cover charge and service. A typical tip for good service in taxis and restaurants would be some 10-15%. On paying the bill, if it is paid in cash, it is a matter of leaving a few notes from the change, When using a credit card, there are two possibilities: if the total on the credit card slip is the same as the bill, again leave some notes as a tip; but if the amount or the total are blank, simply round up the total to include the tip when signing the credit card slip.

Emergency Telephone Numbers

Police, Fire & Emergency 911
Directory Assistance: 411

Public Telephones

Public telephones are available throughout Montreal. Public phone booths either work with Canadian coins or with phone cards which may be purchased at any convenience or newsstand shop.

Postal Service

Stamps may be purchased at the Post Office (Post) and at convenience stores. Always check at the counter for the exact fare to the country of destination. Post Offices are usually open from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 pm daily, Monday to Friday.

Electrical Appliances

The small appliance electrical outlets in Canada are 110-120Volt at 60Hz (AC, alternating current).  This implies that a transformer (with the appropriate plug adapter) may be needed to change the electricity supplied to what is needed by your small appliance.  Outlets accept the North American NEMA 5-15 grounded type (a NEMA 1-15 will fit) plugs.  A transformer and plug adapter can be obtained either before leaving your country or at an electrical appliance shop in Canada.

Laundry and Dry Cleaners

Most hotels have laundry and dry cleaning facilities. If the hotel does not provide these services, the desk clerk can direct you to the nearest laundry.


Most shops are open Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Custom Regulations

There are no restrictions on gifts purchased in Canada except for antiques and works of art. These require the authorization. For more information please have a look here.


Generally moderate

Technical Co-Sponsors

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  • Concordia University logo


  • Bronze

  • Mitacs logo
