IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization
25-29 June 2018 – Montreal, Canada

How to be a patron

Four levels of patronage with benefits are provided to promote your company among international experts and conference attendees. The NetSoft 2018 Patronage Chair will work with your company towards maximizing the value of these packages. As a Patron, your company also becomes eligible to complimentary registrations to the conference.


Fee (CAD)


Platinum CAD 10,000
  • Three complimentary Full registrations for conference;
  • 20% discount on up to 2 registrations for additional company participants;
  • Logo on all conference programs;
  • Logo on conference website, with link to company’s website;
  • Company-supplied banner prominently displayed during the Conference;
  • Naming of your company at the opening and closing to highlight the patronage.
 Gold CAD 7,500
  • Two complimentary Full registrations for conference;
  • Logo on all conference programs;
  • Logo on conference website, with link to company’s website;
  • Naming of your company at the opening and closing to highlight the patronage;
  • Company-supplied banner prominently displayed during the Conference.
 Silver CAD 5,000
  • One complimentary Full registration to conference;
  • Logo on all conference programs;
  • Logo on conference website, with link to company’s website.
 Bronze CAD 3,000
  • Logo on all conference programs;
  • Logo on conference website, with link to company’s website.


Information about Patronage packages is available in the NetSoft Patron Brochure. Download it here.

Should you be willing to patronize NetSoft 2018, please contact Prof. Mourad Debbabi, Patron Chair.


Patron Chair

Mourad Debbabi, Concordia University, Canada –

Technical Co-Sponsors

Our sponsors

  • Concordia University logo


  • Bronze

  • Mitacs logo
